
Goddess Gardens is about so much more than just designing and building gardens.

Our mission is to create the opportunity for people to connect with their self, their home, and their food through the magic of gardening with style and beauty. Our focus is gardening with a purpose as we design and build both vegetable gardens and pollinator gardens.


Our focus is…

Designing and building gardens with a purpose.

It starts with the blending of two worlds: Being grounded and connected to Mother Nature, yet being strategic at every level including the design, supply quality, and gardening processes. Goddess Gardens takes this foundation and designs, builds, and coaches you along the way to your dream garden.

Gardening with a purpose creates an impact that reaches far and wide on the individual, local, and global levels.


Reaping the benefits of the connection that comes from getting back to the Earth. As you put your hands in the dirt and feel that deep connection to nature, it is highly beneficial.


Creating functional home gardens that feed families. It can be done in as small as a four by eight plot (which feeds a family of four) or as large of a space as your heart desires.


Giving back to the environment when you purchase organic and non-GMO seeds; strategically plant to attract the endangered pollinators that our food supply relies on; and, there’s even an opportunity to reduce food waste and chemical use through healthy gardening practices such as composting.

Overall, the gardens we create are built to inspire a more mindful and connected way of living…


Gardens with Function and Beauty

Goddess Gardens began in the founder, Jen Grossman’s backyard—first and foremost to take an undeveloped space and make it beautiful. But, when you can have the best of both worlds, why not have a beautiful AND functional garden?

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Gardens Designed and Built with Strategic Style

The style part of gardening with a purpose means that Goddess Gardens designs and builds a garden that flows with your backyard, enhances its beauty, and is done very artistically.

Thanks to Jen’s marketing background and intelligent business mind, she brings a strong understanding of design and strategy. She is applying that intuitive connection to what works and what doesn’t to create a space that makes sense for each individual, the plants, and for the specific setting and environment. Although Jen would never claim she is an expert at all things gardening, as there is much trial and error, she does have that special touch it takes to work with the plants. She is approachable in collaborating with her clients and her designs come from the heart of one home gardener to another.

It is the blend of these two worlds—a continually growing connection to Mother Nature and a connection to design and strategy—that creates a Goddess Garden.

Side Effects of a Goddess Garden


The long-term effect of a Goddess Garden is very fulfilling for the client. While they may have irrigation installed and have relatively little daily maintenance to do in their garden, they will experience the satisfaction and pure happiness that comes from watching a seed go from planting to sprouting, then to grow and produce food. Finally, harvesting from the garden and having the pleasure of eating a tomato right off the vine or cooking with fresh herbs; it is simply unmatched in quality and experience to food at the grocery store.

Jen discovered that joy and excitement in her own backyard garden, which helped her connect more to herself and brought her peace and purpose. Goddess Gardens is her vehicle to bring others to that same discovery of their connection through their very own Goddess Garden.

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“Even when just talking to Jen about gardening, she lights up with so much passion and enthusiasm. It is absolutely contagious! I knew right away that I wanted, no, NEEDED to move forward with a Goddess Garden of my own.”

- Nicole C.